Fotografia a Catalunya

Ricard Terré

Ricard Terré


Ricard Terré was born in Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona) on 5 July 1928. From 1959 he lived in Vigo, where he died on 29 October 2009. He studied at the Higher Business Studies School in Barcelona. His first encounter with the world of art was as a painter and caricaturist and he did not start to practice photography until 1955, when he came into contact with members of the Photographic Association of Catalonia.

He held his first photographic exhibition with Ramón Masats and Xavier Miserachs in 1957. In 1958 he joined the Afal group (Photographic Association of Almeria) becoming part of its management committee and participating in all its activities. Towards the end of the 1960s he gave up photography, taking it up again in 1982, participating in various individual and collective exhibitions in Spain and abroad.

He is considered to be one of the most outstanding photographers of his generation. His international reputation has grown recently due to the exposure given to him by the Vú agency in Paris. His photography, of great thematic and formal coherence, has a subjective character which identifies him, despite the diversity of the series he has produced over the years. In 2008 he was awarded the Bartolomé Ros Prize by the PhotoEspaña photographic festival for the best photographic career.


Exposicions individuals

2013 El jove Ricard Terré. Agrupació Fotogràfica de Catalunya, Barcelona.

2013 Ricard Terré. Obras Maestras. La Lonja, Zaragoza.

2011 Ricard Terré: negra obmra que enlluernes. Galeria Valid Foto, Ba...

See the exhibitions


ÀFRICA, Guzmán. Al gust de Cartier-Bresson. Barcelona: Fundació La Caixa, 2003, p. 35.

ANAUT, Alberto (ed.). Ricard Terré: obras maestras. Madrid: La Fábrica, 2011, p. 291.

BALSELLS, David (dir.). Imatges, fotografia catala...

See the bibliography