Fotografia a Catalunya

Joana Biarnés

Joana Biarnés


1935. Joana Biarnés was born in Terrassa, the daughter of Rosario Florensa and Joan Biarnés, a sports photographer whose laboratory was a place for learning and meeting others.

1947-1959. She started helping her father with his work for sports publications (football, cycling, hockey, etc.).

Her first report was published in El Mundo Deportivo.

She enrolled at the Barcelona School of Journalism.

1962. She covered the great Vallés floods that devastated Terrassa and her report was published in Por qué. She joined the Pueblo newspaper in Madrid, where she worked with César Lucas, Quique Verdugo and Raúl Cancio, amongst others. She travelled in Spain and abroad.

For nine years she covered the concerts given by the singer Raphael, in Spain and abroad.

1970. She married the journalist Jean Michel Bamberger in Versailles.

1973. She joined the ABC newspaper and the Blanco y Negro magazine, teaming up with the journalist Natalia Figueroa.

1975. She headed the graphic department at the Contifoto agency.

1985. She gave up photojournalism and opened the Cana Joana restaurant in San José, Ibiza.

2007. She retired, closed Cana Joana and took up residence in Viladecavalls, near her native Terrassa.

2014. She was awarded the Cross of Saint George by the Generalitat de Catalunya in recognition of her achievements as the first female photojournalist in Spain.

Shooting started on the documentary film about her life and work, Joana Biarnés. Una entre todos, directed by Òscar Moreno, Jordi Rovira and Xavier Baig, of REC Producciones.

2015. La Fábrica publishing company's Photobolsillo series included a book devoted to Juana Biarnés. It was presented in Madrid (La Fábrica) and in Barcelona (Valid Foto Gallery).

The documentary was premiered in October at the 10th Memorimage festival in Reus.

2016. In April Joana Biarnés. Una entre todos was documentary of the month in Spain. In May it was broadcast by TV3's Sense Ficció programme and it was broadcast again in June by TVE's Imprescindibles programme.

2017 The exhibition, Juana Biarnés. A contracorriente travelled to Zaragoza and Barcelona. The anthology and biography, Joana Biarnés. Disparant amb el cor, was published by the Photographic Social Vision Foundation and Blume.


2017 La fotografia com espai públic de Col.lecció Nacional de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona. (Exposició col·lectiva)

2017 Joana Biarnés: A contracorrent. Palau Robert, Barcelona.

2017 Subasta en ...

See the exhibitions


BIARNÉS, Joana. Joana Biarnés. Terrassa: Ajuntament de Terrassa, 2017. 14 p.

BIARNÉS, Joana; ROVIRA, Jordi. Juana Biarnés: a contracorriente. Madrid: La Fábrica, 2015. 96 p. (Photobolsillo).

BIARNÉS, Joana; CARABIAS, Mónica...

See the bibliography