Fotografia a Catalunya

Faustí Llucià

Faustí Llucià


Retrat: Lola Montserrat

Faustí Llucià was born in Barcelona in 1952. Essentially self-taught, he has worked in practically all aspects of photography from documentaries, advertising and artistic photography to teaching. In his personal projects he gives priority to concept and content over formal and technical practice. This priority has led him to produce some work that is closer to sculpture, cameras as the containers of images, or that broaches painting. His work includes a literary component in both his texts and in the images themselves, which suggest personal readings and points of view about questions that are an intrinsic part of existence such as life, death, solitude, and, above all, the ways of looking by means of which we try to locate ourselves and understand who we are. 


2016 Botànica Urbana. Galeria Barcelona Visions, Barcelona.

2015 Senderos. Festival de Fotografia analògica Revela-T, Vilassar de Dalt, Barcelona.

2015 Chapado en Oro. Galeria  Barcelona Visions, Barcelona.

2014 De mis som...

See the exhibitions


LLUCIÀ, Faustí. 15": Exposat en 15 segons. [S.l.]: l'autor, 2016, 280 p.

LLUCIÀ, Faustí. Botànica urbana: Barcelona. [S.l.]: l'autor, 2016, 2016, 108 p.

LLUCIÀ, Faustí. Senderos. Barcelona: The Private Space Books, 2012, 12...

See the bibliography