Alejandra Carles-Tolrà és una fotògrafa de Barcelona que actualment resideix a Londres. Després de llicenciar-se en Sociologia a la Universitat de Barcelona, Carles-Tolrà es va mudar als EUA per enfocar la seva carrera com a fotògrafa. A més de treballar per a diversos fotògrafs i galeries d'art, el 2013 es va graduar amb un Màster en Belles Arts en fotografia a Massachussets College of Art and Design (MassArt), on va tenir com a professors a Abelardo Morell, Nick Nixon i David Hilliard, entre altres prestigiosos fotògrafs. El seu treball ha estat exposat i reconegut recentment en l'àmbit internacional per CNN, Lens Culture, The New York Times Photo Awards, Huffington Post, Descubrimientos PhotoEspaña, Festival Circulation(s)-Paris i Galeria Valid Foto BCN, etc...
Carles-Tolrà ha treballat com a professora de fotografia, a la University of New Hampshire (UNH), Massachussets College of Art and Design (MassArt) i actualment col·labora amb diverses ONG's a Londres. El seu treball examina la relació entre la identitat individual i la identitat de grup, i com la segona transforma la primera, a la vegada que la individual modela la grupal. A fi d'entendre i captar com la segona modela la primera i viceversa, els últims anys s'ha submergit en el dia a dia de cadets de l'exèrcit americà, famílies porto-riquenyes residents a Boston i jugadores de rugbi d'una prestigiosa universitat americana.
2016 Festival Circulation(s), Juried exhibition by Fetart, Centquatre, Paris, France.
2016 Face It, Group Exhibition, Curated by Lynn H Whitney, Bowling Green State University, Ohio.
2016 Nueva Fotografía Internacional en el S.XXI.
- Segovia Foto, Sala La Alhóndiga, Segovia, Spain.
- Photomuseum, “XXIV edición de la Argazki Bilera Jornadas Fotográficas 2016”, Zarautz, Gipuzkoa.
2015 The Gun Show, Curated by Maja Orsic (Director of the Robert Klein Gallery), Flash Forward Festival, Boston, MA.
2015 The Bears, Solo Exhibition, Visiting Artist, The Chazan Family Gallery, Rhode Island College, RI.
2015 Inter/ Face Exhibition, Online exhibition curated by David Hilliard, Gallery South.
2015 Open Call NNE (North NorthEast), Juried by Richard Klein, (Exhibitions Director, Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art), Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Vermont.
2015 Nueva Fotografía Internacional en el S.XXI.
- Centro de Artes de Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain.
- Sala José Saramago de Leganés, Madrid, Spain.
- Centro Municipal de las Artes de Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain.
2014 Documentary: The 19th Annual Exhibition, Juried by Whitney Johnson (Director of Photography of the New Yorker), Photographic Center NW, Seattle, WA.
2014 Photoworld, New York Photo Awards, Juried Exhibition Powerhouse Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
2014 Griffin Museum’s 20th Juried Show, Virtual Gallery Juried by Aline Smithson (Founder of Lenscratch) Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester, MA.
2014 Emerging Artists Auction, Juried Auction Daniel Cooney Fine Arts Gallery, New York, NY.
2014 TEDx Somerville, Movement, Juried Exhibition Brooklyn Boulders, Somerville, MA.
2014 Fall In, Solo Exhibition, Biennial of Young Artists Winner Fine Arts Academy Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain.
2014 New York Photo Awards Winners, Juried Exhibition Powerhouse Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
2013 Realidad y Emoción Exhibition, Valid Foto BCN Gallery, Barcelona, Spain.
2013 Carousel IV, Juried Exhibition, Aviary Gallery, Jamaica Plain, Boston, MA.
2013 OFNI Exhibition and Auction, Valid Foto BCN Gallery, Barcelona, Spain.
2013 New York Photo Awards Finalists, Juried Exhibition Powerhouse Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
2013 ARTcetera Art Auction, Juried Biennial Auction The Park Plaza Castle, Boston, MA.
2013 New England Collective, Juried Exhibition Galatea Fine Art Gallery, Boston, MA.
2013 Biennial D’Art Jove, Juried Exhibition, Fine Arts Academy Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain.
2013 Boston Young Contemporaries 2013, Juried Exhibition 808 Commonwealth Gallery, Boston University, Boston, MA.
2013 MFA Thesis Exhibition, Curated by Lisa Tung Paine and Bakalar Gallery, Boston, MA.
2013 Onward Compe, Juried Exhibition, Onward Summit Festival, Project Basho Gallery, Philadelphia, PA.
2013 PRC Annual Student Show, Juried Exhibition Photographic Resource Center, Boston, MA.
2013 24th Annual MassArt Benefit Art Auction, Juried Exhibition Paine & Bakalar Gallery, Boston, MA.
2013 Collect The World, Juried Exhibition Valid Foto BCN Gallery, Spain.
2013 Texture, Online Juried Exhibition Feature Shoot It's a thin line between Love and Hate, Juried Exhibition United Photo Industries Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
2012 Night in the Box, Juried Art Auction Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA.
2012 The Fence, Juried Exhibition Photoville Festival, New York City, NY.
2012 Mass Eye / Ear Center for Surgery, Juried Exhibition, Boston, MA.
2012 Boston Young Contemporaries 2012, Juried Exhibition 808 Commonwealth Gallery, Boston University, Boston, MA.
2012 The New England Baptist Hospital, Juried Exhibition, Boston, MA.
2012 One Hundred and Ten Days of Photography, 225 Friend Street Gallery, Boston, MA.
2012 An Alien Artist Show, Student Life Gallery, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA.
2012 We Don’t Belong Here, Solo Show, Juried Exhibition at the Sparring Windows Gallery, The Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA.
2011 Powderhouse Photography Show, Juried Exhibition The Powerhouse Gallery, Somerville, MA.
2011 Incoming Graduate Exhibition, The Doran Gallery, Boston, MA.
2010 Self portraits Show, Juried Exhibition,11th Photographic Forum Can Basté, Barcelona, Spain.
2010 Photography Students Exhibition, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
2010 La Jungla Urbana, Juried Slideshow Slideluck Potshow, Barcelona, Spain.
GARCÍA, Ruben (ed.). Contemporáneos : treinta fotógrafos de hoy = Contemporaries : thirty photographers of today. Madrid: La Fabrica Editorial, 2005.
Publicacions en línia
SOLDI, Rafael. (25 de febrer de 2016). “Interview with Alejandra Carles-Tolra”. Strange Fire Collective [en línia]. [Consulta: 11 juliol 2016].
ROSENBERG, David. (19 d’abril de 2015). “What Life Is Like on Brown University’s All-Female Rugby Team, The Bears Portfolio”, Slate Magazine [en línia]. [Consulta 27 juliol 2016].
BAHADUR, Nina (ed). (16 de març de 2015). “Powerful Photo Series Shows What It’s Like To Be A Rugby Girl, The Bears Portfolio”, The Huffington Post [en línia]. [Consulta 27 juliol 2016].
KLIEGMAN, Julie. “This Photographer Capture What It’s Like To Be A Woman In A Male-Dominated Sport, The Bears Portfolio” BuzzFeed News [en línia]. [Consulta 27 juliol 2016].
TORRES, Mylan; KOMAN, Tess. (12 de març de 2015). “18 Badass Portraits of Female Rugby Players Defying Gender Stereotypes, The Bears Portfolio”, Cosmopolitan [en línia] [Consulta 27 juliol 2016].
Fotografia Magazine. (14 de març de 2015). “Wome’s Rugby - An Interview With Alejandra Carles-Tolra, The Bears Portfolio”, Fotografia Magazine [en línia] [Consulta 27 juliol 2016].
IL POST. (16 de març de 2015). “Ritratti di rugbiste, The Bears Portfolio”, Il Post [en línia] [Consulta 27 juliol 2016].
KAIL, Elyn. (11 de març de 2015). “Feature Shoot, Powerful portraits of female rugby players defy gender stereotypes, The Bears Portfolio”, Feature Shoot [en línia] [Consulta 27 juliol 2016].
NUNES, Madison N. “The Female Rugby Players Of Brown University Are Badass Gender Barrier Busting Athletes”, Bust Magazine [en línia] [Consulta 27 juliol 2016].
GUP MAGAZINE. (18 de març de 2015). “The Bears Portfolio”, Gup Magazine [en línia] [Consulta 27 juliol 2016].
HODSDON, Canbra. (26 de febrer de 2015). “Alejandra Carles-Tolra’s “The Bears” at The Chazan Family Gallery, Juxtapoz Magazine, Photography section [en línia] [Consulta 27 juliol 2016].
CHAN, Agnes. (6 de març de 2015). “Photographer captures intersections of violence, grace in women’s rugby”, The Brown Daily Herald, Art Section [en línia] [Consulta 27 juliol 2016].
FRUMM, Larry. “Study and serve: The dual identity of the ROTC, Fall In Portfolio”, CNN Photos [en línia] [Consulta 27 juliol 2016].
“Realidad y Emoción Exposición” Tendencias del Mercado del Arte, Núm. 66 (Octubre 2013). [Consulta 27 juliol 2016].
DOTSENKO, Svetlana. (8 d’agost de 2013). “3 Steps to Starting a Great Research Project”, Huffington Post [en línia] [Consulta 29 juliol 2016].
KAYE, Marjorie. (12 d’agost de 2013). “The New England’s Collective Art Exhibit in Boston”, Artist Portfolio Magazine [en línia] [Consulta 29 juliol 2016].
Onward Compe 2013, Exhibition Catalogue. Philadelphia, Project Basho, 2013.
The 24th MassArt Annual Art Auction, Exhibition Catalogue, Paine and Bakalar Galleries, Boston, 2013.
CARLES-TOLRÀ, Alejandra. “No pertenecemos a este lugar”, Portfolio PHE, Ojo de Pez Magazine, , Núm.29, Girls, p.6-10. Madrid: La Fàbrica, 2012.
LensCulture, Fall In, Editor’s Pick Portfolio
Diari de Sabadell, Guanyadors de la Biennial D’Art Jove, Barcelona
Onward Photo Blog, Interview with Alejandra CarlesTolra
Photographic Museum of Photography, Highlights Gallery, Fall In Portfolio
La Vanguardia, Cinco Visiones Fotográfica, Barcelona
La Vanguardia, Valid Foto BCN abre temporada presentando a cinco fotógrafos noveles.
Loupe Magazine, Public Art: It’s History and Reach, Vol.3/ June, PRC
Barcelona Photobloggers, Exposición Realidad y Emoción
iSabadell, L’Academia de Belles Arts recupera la Biennial d’Art Jove, September 5th
Le Journal de la Photographie, Summer photographs