Fotografia a Catalunya

Gerard Boyer

Gerard Boyer


Gerard Boyer (L'Ametlla de Mar, 1974) studied at the Tarragona provincial Council Arts School and also attended numerous seminars and workshops. He decided to focus his projects on the observation of the relationship between time and intimate experience in relation to memory. In parallel with this he focuses on the limits between the urban environment and nature, working to identify the relationship between feelings and the environment in which they are produced to show how the interior territory is closely linked to experience.




Exposicions individuals

2016 Descampado. FineArt, Igualada.

2015 Toshibu. Galeria Eduard Virgili, Tarragona.

2014 RINALDO, Arianna (comis.). Toshibu a DOCfield>14. Kowasa Gallery, Barcelona.

2013 El meu jardí. Sala Àmbits...

See the exhibitions


BOYER, Gerard (fot.); LÓPEZ FONTANILLS, Ignasi [et al.]. Ouroboro, códice para un hilo circular. [S.l.]: Bside Books, 2014.

See the bibliography